The Michigan State Constitution (Article VII, Section 4) established the office of the County Treasurer. The four-year term of office is filled by partisan election. The duties and powers of the County Treasurer are provided by State law and by authorization of the County Board of Commissioners.
The County Treasurer serves as the custodian of all County funds, and as such is responsible for receipting, recording and investing all money deposited with the County. The Treasurer is also responsible for maintaining debt service accounts for all the bonded indebtedness of the County.
Beginning March 1st of each year the Treasurer collects delinquent real property taxes and following an extensive notification title work process a court order is issued which allows for the sale of properties, which are more than 24 months delinquent. The County Treasurer also serves as the agent of the delinquent tax revolving fund, through which the County is able to forward to local units of government the amount of delinquent taxes due and owing on real property.
The Treasurer's office is responsible for a variety of other duties including the sale of dog licenses, the certification of deeds and other real estate title transfers prior to recording the documents, and reconciling the County's general ledger with bank checking and investment statements.
The Treasurer is a member of the Plat Board, the Elections Commission, the County Apportionment Commission, the County Economic Development Corporation and the County Land Bank.
Partial Tax Payments of at least $50.00 are accepted
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